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Artist's Rantings
ok...everyone VOTE!

first of all...its saturday and i woke up at 6:30...and i got home at 11 last night, so feel damn lucky that i got another comic up.  it was already drawn and stuff but i just finished coloring at 9.  ALSO...i see some ppl are at the site before 7.  there will never EVER be a comic up before 7.  it's just not possible.  so save your time and go to the site at around...10.  theres always gonna be a comic after 10, unless i say otherwise the day before.  ok ok yeah once in awhile i'll lie and it'll come up later, but i always have a good reason.

ok, next order of business...currently we're #5 on megatopsites (the voting one) and #2 on topsites (the # of ppl who come here) me happy? yes, very happy.

finally, one last thing...i'd like to give a shout out to GREENTOONS.NET and KC cuz he gave me a link on his site AND went out of his way to take a part from comic #7.  whoohoo!!  thats all the news for now!


ash<<<EMAIL ME!!!

PS, advertisers are needed...$20 a month!

get this gear!
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